Friday, April 1, 2011


Look at this beautiful hunk of metal!

I can't believe it, but I just bought a Vandercook 320 Printing Press... my first ever (and most terrifying) ebay purchase to date. It's a 1750 pound piece of metal that will need to be heaved and hoed, moved up a steep driveway, repaired, rust-rubbed, tended to, worked on.... eventually printed on, and most definitely loved. I truly wasn't sure this day would actually come, but doggone it, it's here. Now's the time to take on courage, to proceed and be bold.

I declared 2011 a year to let the interests I've dabbled have room to rise and grow. Back in December, I said:

I'm hoping that 2011 is a year during which my letterpress hopes and dreams will have room to rise. For the last year or so, I've planted seeds, watered them and waited. Now, it's time to let the yeast do it's natural thing, and aerate. It's time to watch things grow. While I don't make any promises, nor do I set too high expectations for myself, I do want to see change happen this year.

And what do you know? Three months, a hearty portion of disappointment and disillusionment, some unexpected opportunities, and a leap of faith later, I've found my way into a new adventure.

I was reminded earlier this year that the Lord doesn't show us our destinations. He promises just to be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path. That means I've just got enough of a candle to keep me from stumbling on my very next step. And though that's somewhat frightening, it's also perfect.


Anonymous said...

so proud of you dear one.

Chané said...

Congrats Cory! This is so exciting!

Jennifer said...

What!? Good grief, that's amazing! We need to talk!

Jennifer said...

What?! Good grief, that's amazing! We need to talk!

Carla Jean said...

Congratulations! Add my voice to the chorus of those proud of you.

Annie said...

i am so terribly happy for you... i can't wait to see what creativity comes from this gift. congratulations!


Yes! Another press saved. Best of luck with the repair.